black chana

chana(black chickpeas)- 2 cups
tomato -2 chopped
onion-1 sliced
ginger-1/2 tsp
garlic-1 tsp
oil-1/4 cup
red chilly powder-1/2 tsp
turmeric-1/2 tsp
coriander powder-1 tsp
garam masala-1/4 tsp
salt as required
water as required


  • wash and soak chana overnight
  • keep chana in cooker add all the ingredients add water upto chana level 
  • cook till four whisltes
  • let it be cool and open it mix it well so that onion and tmatoes mix up well with chana 
  • now close the lid again and cook till  it becomes dry
  • garnish with onion and add lemon taste yummmm 


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